Living the Life of Enoch *10 left*

$12.95 $11.00

  • Model:R-EGW-LLE
Ellen G. White

Our commission in this world is to live the life of Enoch. It is a two-fold work. First, it is to develop a character of righteousness by living a life of personal purity and intimacy with God. Second, it is to teach a lesson of godliness by kindly acts and warning and pleading with men.

People tell us it is too late to warn of dangers, too late to give the final message to the world, too late to expect others to respond to the pleadings of the Word of God. Oh, my friends, it is not too late. We must strive and urge and plead and warn until the very day that probation ends for mankind. We are to live the Enoch life!

Come, view again the life of him who is our example today. Visit again the one who lived and walked and worked with God in an evil and corrupt time, the one who lived at the end of his time and warned the world on the verge of destruction, the one who was translated to heaven without seeing death and without having been overwhelmed by that destruction. His life is to be your life.

Come, view the life of Enoch — and you will return from the study prepared to gather warmth from the coldness of others and courage from their cowardice. You will be prepared to suffer hardship and strife and personal vilification as he did. You will be prepared to walk with God day by day, regardless of what others may say or think or do.

“By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death, and was not found, because God had translated him, for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God” (Hebrews 11:5).

Paper, 112 pages.
