Hydrotherapy-Simple Treatments for Common Ailments *3 left*

$15.95 $13.55

  • Model:H-CD-HST
Why go to the medicine cabinet for every ailment? Hydrotherapy helps your body effectively overcome common diseases with simple treatments that do not leave chemicals behind.

Very thorough material, with illustrations and step-by-step instructions. Covers which treatments are usually combined with others, which should be applied separately, and describes a full range of treatments and the conditions which they will help alleviate.

Paper, 120 pages.

Section I: Treatments Usually Combined

    1. Hot Foot Bath
    2. Hot Fomentation
    3. Cold Mitten Friction
    4. Cold Compress
    5. Russian Steam Bath

Section II: Treatments Not Usually Combined:
A. General Treatments

    6. Hot Tub Bath
    7. Neutral Tub Bath
    8. General Cold
    9. Wet Sheet Pack
    10. Salt Glow

B. Local Treatments
    11. Local Water Baths, Alternating hot and cold; Hot; Cold
    12. Paraffin Bath
    13. Ice Massage
    14. Ice Pack
    15. Heating Compress
    16. Steam Inhalation
    17. Charcoal: Poultice; Suspension
Section III: Simple Rational Methods
    1. Disorders Involving Bones, Joints, and Muscles
    2. Nervous Disorders
    3. Skin Problems
    4. Respiratory Problems
    5. Digestion Disorders
    6. Miscellaneous Conditions